The birds were coming to the feeders between the snow showers, but these goldfinches have their dull winter colors on this gray winter day. I’m wishing that it was spring and they were bright yellow again.
Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning, but there was more pink and yellow in this morning’s sky, which probably help lessen the snow amount this evening.
This past summer, I had a male cardinal who kept flying into my window as it saw its reflection in the glass. I could understand his need to chase away an intruder near its nest, but the cardinal has been back this cold winter week banging on the window again.
The cold start of January has allow some floating ice to move in along the shore of Lake Superior, although if the wind switches direction, the ice can quickly disappear.
There are a few reminders of the past summer, although today with below zero wind chills, it is hard to remember the warmth of summer as all that is left on this winter day is the remnants of flower stems where blooms once captured the summer sun.