Picture of the Day for May 24, 2013

A field of dandelions can actually look pretty in the spring time by adding yellow color against the new green grass. The part I hate is when they turn white and the seeds start blowing in my face. But I suppose the finches and other birds are happy to have the seeds to eat and the bees like the nectar and pollen.

Dandelions are thought to have evolved about thirty million years ago in Eurasia and probably arrived in North America on the Mayflower – not as stowaways, but brought on purpose for their medicinal benefits.

That weed most are trying to get rid of, are more nutritious than most of the vegetables in your garden and are among the most expensive items in the grocery store. The roots are dried and sold as a no-caffeine coffee substitute – for $31.75 a pound.

Whether you love them or hate them, dandelions are, quite possibly, the most successful plants that exist; masters of survival worldwide.

Field of Yellow

Field of Yellow