Picture of the Day for May 8, 2017

Although the white from the Bloodroots are gone, the wildflowers right now are mostly white with Trilliums, Wood Anemones, Pussytoes and White Trout Lily scattered around the ground. But there are some colorful blues left in the woods from the Virginia Bluebells. But this are coming to an end as they start out pink and turn to blue and there are few pink left.

Blue from Virginia Bluebells

Blue from Virginia Bluebells

Picture of the Day for May 6, 2017

After I released my frog back into the wilds after spending several months during the winter inside my house, I figured I wouldn’t see him anymore. But I discovered he has been hanging around his old home that I left on the porch but he probably was upset with me since I hadn’t kept his home moist. And I let his ‘pond’ dry out so once I filled his pie pan with water, he was in it that night and the next night too.

Pie Pan Pond

Pie Pan Pond

Picture of the Day for May 5, 2017

On a nice sunny spring day in the lower 70s, after a stretch of cold rainy ones, I would have trouble sitting still in school. Course many of the students in this school may have be absent in the spring time as some of the boys would have helped with the crop planting. This old school was built around 1898.

Old Potter School

Old Potter Schoolhouse

Picture of the Day for May 3, 2017

After all the rain, and with the sun out most of the day, the grass will be growing quickly. Several of my neighbors have already mowed the first time this spring but I had standing water in spots. Besides the water, the lawn is showing some yellow from dandelions and yellow rocket as well as blues and purples from violets. But hidden in the grass, with blue streaked white mini blossoms an eighth to a quarter of inch across, some Thyme-leaf Speedwell can be spotted if looking closely. There is a native variety but mine is the non-native species so it is considered a weed but it does have cute little flowers.

Thyme-leaf Speedwell

Thyme-leaf Speedwell

Picture of the Day for May 2, 2017

After snow yesterday and a cold this morning, the sun finally made its appearance, which I’m sure all the flowers appreciated as well as I did. The birds seemed to be happier too and I noticed the first grosbeak back. Butterflies flitted around in the afternoon sun and this larger tiger swallowtail butterfly was gathering some nectar from a dandelion.

Swallowtail Enjoying A Dandelion

Swallowtail Enjoying A Dandelion