In the struggle between autumn and winter, it appears the first of November is leaning towards winter with a new coating of snow covering the ground and trying to hide any of the fallen leaves.
Winter Coming in November
My bird feeder had less activity after the summer birds left but today the activity has increased with nuthatches, chickadees, goldfinches and woodpeckers making frequent visits on this cold day. And some goldfinches, who have already lost their bright yellow summer colors, are also feeding on the black-eyed susan seed heads.
Past Pretty Flowers Providing Food
With the last few windy days and snow still on the ground this morning, the season of autumn color viewing is coming to a quick end, although I did see one red tree yet today that looked pretty surrounded by a white ground. And instead of a walk in the freezing temperature, a drive in the car with the heat on, would have felt better to view the few remaining areas with autumn color.
Autumn Coming to the End
It seems like Halloween came early this year and it wasn’t a treat but a trick with the snow falling this morning and throughout the whole day. And the wet snow is always tricky and I was a victim of the “trick” snow and slipped and fell when trying to walk down a slope. I was rather wet and cold by the time I stopped sliding down the hill (without a toboggan) and was able to get off the ground.
Tricky Snow