Picture of the Day for May 20, 2022

The weather was against the poor marsh marigolds this spring as a few days ago they were swallowed up by rushing waters from the heavy rainfall and covered by debris. Then a couple days later, the hail storm striped nearly all the blossoms off as I only spotted less than a dozen yellow flowers on the half mile stretch of road.

Gone Until Next Year

Gone Until Next Year

Picture of the Day for May 19, 2022

Today the lawn was white from tree blossoms just opening up, but the petals fell prematurely because of some other white stuff – the hard, frozen stuff called hail.  It stripped leaves off the trees and flower petals, dented cars, and anything else outside. And I wonder what my nesting duck thought about banging hail on the duck house. There was some one inch diameter hail left on the ground three hours after it fell.

Not Good White

Not Good White

Picture of the Day for May 13, 2022

When driving back from town today, I noticed large patches of trilliums blooming in the ditches. The Great White Trillium are a favorite snack of deer and with my population of deer, I only found three great white trilliums blooming in my woods this afternoon. And the blossoms are about a third of the normal size as the deer have grazed them too many times which prevents the plant the ability to store energy in the roots. And it may take 10 years before the plant blossoms the first time and the deer just eats my trilliums.

Not So Great

Not So Great

Picture of the Day for May 12, 2022

Last night storms caused damage from wind and the heavy amount of rain. All the runoff has stirred up my pond to a brown color and the ditches looked more like big waterfalls as the water washed out culverts and roads. And while the storm caused the rainfall to seem to be bad, Bad River in Northern Wisconsin has a series of nice waterfalls including Copper Falls.

Copper Falls

Copper Falls