This bald eagle landed in a tree along the shore of Lake Superior. It scanned the area for a snack as it preened its feathers before eventually taking flight again.
Eagle on Lake Shore
This morning I had a different feathered visitor in my duck house. Apparently an owl didn’t like the snow but liked the shelter the duck house provided. The owl perched in the opening for about 4 hours, starting a few hours before sunrise watching for a snack. Then it napped until after sunset before leaving the box and I wonder if it will return tomorrow morning after a night of hunting.
Owl in Duck House
I found a dandelion on the lawn today that was mostly closed up and wilted from the overnight very chilly temperature of 10. I was going to pick it and bring it inside so it could finish blooming but it had no stem that I could put in a vase as it was hugging close to the ground. It probably will be April before a hint of seeing another dandelion.
Spring Dandelion
“Red sky at morning, sailors take warning” is a line from a rhyme used for weather forecasting the past two millennia by mariners. But the sunrise was more pink than red so no storm, especially since the day was in the 40s and it might be the last 40 degree day for the year until next spring.
Pink Sky at Morning