This week old Hereford calf, who came about two weeks early, was the first calf of the season and at least it was a warm, sunny day when it was born with no snowflakes either.
Season’s First Calf
With the below freezing temperatures at night, I left more bird feeders out than I normally do in the summer, and one reason is because of the uninvited critter that visited last night. The pictured feeder did not remain hanging once the bear reached up with its paws and pulled the feeder down. The bear took down three of the bird feeders that were not high enough up in the air, and one was carried off by the bear and another was played with as the bear laid on its back trying to open the feeder. The bear also tried to get the other feeders that were hung higher and at least they were out of the bear reach when it was standing up (until a bigger bear comes along).
Feeder Stealing Bear
The squirrel returned this evening is and sleeping in the duck house again tonight, but one of the other duck houses actually is being used by a wood duck. She has been laying eggs since the 10th and now she is sitting on the eggs. When she was laying the eggs, she covered them with the wood shavings so I didn’t see the eggs at first, but now she covered the eggs with her down feathers.
Duck Sitting on Eggs
After all the snow yesterday, it was raining this morning and just as it was getting light I had another non-duck visitor entering one of my duck house boxes. And while a squirrel has visited a few weeks ago, I didn’t expect to see one carrying its new baby into the duck box. I don’t know if something happened to her original nesting site as the heavy snow did break several tree limbs, but she carried in five little babies. And later in the day, she carried lots of oak leaves in that covered her and the babies underneath so it didn’t look like anyone was in the duck box except for occasional slight movement of a leaf.
Squirrel Carrying Baby