Picture of the Day for June 10, 2017

Approaching a barn, with a cat at your feet, is bound to bring the barn swallows swooping out to scare you and the cat away, especially when they are nesting. So not only to you have to watch your feet so you don’t step on the cat, you have to duck the swooping bird and watch what you are standing under (since what goes in, must come out in a smelly form).

Baby Barn Swallows

Baby Barn Swallows

Lunchtime for Baby Barn Swallows



One Reply to “Picture of the Day for June 10, 2017”

  1. When I am having a bad day I will have to replay the video of the barn swallows and make me chuckle & my bad day will then be great. Can’t say those little swallows are constipated ?

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