Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for May 8, 2021

As the farmers begin the spring field work for planting, it almost looks like fall with the maples showing some red color as the buds unfurl. The leaves will turn green when they start to produce the green chlorophyll pigment, which can be delayed by cloudy or cold days. So with the temperatures hovering near freezing at night for the past several weeks is giving us a more autumn looking spring.

Springtime Red

Springtime Red

Picture of the Day for May 2, 2021

This weekend was the opening of the fishing season and it looks like this kingfisher wanted to get in on the action. But he didn’t find any fish in my pond, or at least I haven’t spotted any this spring after the thick ice over the winter. So the Belted Kingfisher had to snack on some bugs instead. The males are less colorful than the females as the female also has an additional rusty orange band on her belly.

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher