Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for February 14, 2021

On a very cold winter day, where you can use a banana to hammer in a nail, you probably want to send your sweetheart some chocolates instead of flowers for St. Valentine’s Day. Flowers might freeze solid by the time the delivery man gets them to the door, but then you have to let your candy thaw out too before eating so you don’t break a tooth.

Very Cold Snow Heart

Very Cold Snow Heart


Picture of the Day for February 12, 2021

The ferries between Bayfield and Madeline Island stopped running last week and until the ice is thick enough to drive on, the transportation across Lake Superior is provided by wind sleds. Wind sleds are powered by two big fans to propel across the ice. This 24 seat wind sled, Ice Angel IV, carries supplies and people back and forth from the island. At least there is some wind protection but I imagine it is a cold two mile ride in the sub-zero temperatures.

Ice Angel IV

Ice Angel IV