The brick building may be old, but it could provide some shelter from rain or snow. And for change, today’s snow went to the south so I didn’t have to shovel that white stuff again.
Old Brick Building
More spring birds have returned including tree swallows and this Savannah Sparrow which seemed to be enjoying the sunshine after the rainy days. A female Savannah Sparrow must gather ten times her weight in food, like insects and spiders, to feed herself and her young during the eight days they are in the nest.
Savannah Sparrow
The sunshine and temperatures reaching into the seventies finally made it feel like spring. And even though I still have a small pile of snow refusing to melt, I had a mosquito trying to land on my arm today so that makes it officially spring. Plus a walk through the wood revealed two little Hepaticas just opening up so the first wildflowers confirmed spring too.
Finally Spring
The birds were singing in today’s sunshine as few butterflies floated by and this evening the pond is full of song from the spring peepers giving hope that maybe spring is finally here. And the road ditches looked a little furry too with the pussy willows blooming and their resemblance to tiny cat paws is a reminder to the new batches of kittens born this spring too.
Furry Pussy Willows