Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for August 15, 2017

In our world, methods and technology is constantly changing.  Now there are self driving combines to harvest grain fields, but last century there were huge steam engines using belts to power threshing machines to separate the grain, like oats, from the stalks. Bundles of grain on a wagon were unloaded at one end and if all the belts and gears are working, the grain kernels are bagged and the straw is blown into a pile.

Old Grain Thresher

Old Grain Thresher

Picture of the Day for August 8, 2017

I noticed more butterflies, especially the Monarchs, while I was mowing today. But before the beautiful butterflies can appear, they first were eggs, which hatch into tiny caterpillars. The caterpillars eat milkweeds for about two week to grow full size, when then they transform into a chrysalis which undergoes a remarkable transformation, called metamorphosis. The end result is a beautiful butterfly, all from a caterpillar.

Monarch Caterpillar

Monarch Caterpillar

Picture of the Day for August 6, 2017

My lone wild orchid did return this year again, just several weeks later than the prior years, but I was glad to see it blooming again. The blossoms open at the bottom of the stem first and work they way up to the top. The individual blossoms of the Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid, which look like dancing angels, are about three quarters of an inch long.

Return of the Orchid

Return of the Orchid