Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for April 22, 2016

Today is Earth Day, which started in 1970, and events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The main focus has changed throughout the years, with recycling efforts boosted in 1990 and in 2000, the push was on global warming and pushing for clean energy. The organizers behind Earth Day are hoping to use the 2016 celebration to plant 7.8 billion trees, divest from fossil fuels and make cities 100 per cent renewable.

Trees for Earth Day

Trees for Earth Day

Picture of the Day for April 21, 2016

There is no blue in the sky but there some blue on the ground. Although the Siberian Squill is now considered to be an invasive species after being brought to this country as an ornamental and it is hard to eradicate so the bulb has spread rapidly. It very hardy and cold tolerant, and is left untouched by critters from voles to deer.

Sea of Blue

Sea of Blue

Picture of the Day for April 19, 2016

The warm weather has disappeared, but a number of the wildflowers opened the last few days. And the ground has patches of white, although not from snow, but from wildflowers like wood anemones and bloodroots. The strong wind has been rather hard on the blossoms as petals have fallen even though the flowers just opened.

Ground White from Bloodroots

Ground White from Bloodroots

Picture of the Day for April 14, 2016

During my repairs of bluebird houses, where the squirrels enlarged the opening, I discovered another rodent in my birdhouses. And apparently this chipmunk didn’t read that they live underground as there was a grass bed inside once I evicted him. And the squatter was also a thief as his cheeks were stuffed full of my bird seed!

Squatter and Thief

Squatter and Thief