Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for February 12, 2016

The Arctic cold air is rushing down today with wind chills predicted to be -31 this evening. I much rather see rushing water of a river than to feel the cold air blowing by me. A night like tonight might have chilled Abraham Lincoln who was born 207 years ago in a log cabin in Kentucky. But Lincoln’s birthday is mostly overlook these days with only few states recognizing his birthday as a holiday.

Lincoln might have like rivers too as he is the only president to hold a patent, which was for a flotation device to help riverboats in shallow water.

Water Rushing Over Bonds Falls

Water Rushing Over Bonds Falls

Picture of the Day for February 9, 2016

With a name like Fireweed, one might think the flower would throw off some heat, but there was no warmth outside this morning and the blossom wouldn’t have survived the winds yesterday. The common name Fireweed came because it can quickly colonize open areas after a forest fire. It needs plenty of space and light and will die out when trees and brush take over, but their seeds remain viable for years and will germinate when land is cleared or after another fire.

Fireweed Blossom

Fireweed Blossom

Picture of the Day for February 5, 2016

With the recent snow and frost on the trees this morning under cloudy skies, everything outside looks rather white with very little color showing like what there would be on an autumn day. And I prefer this type of fall scene than when I had a ‘fall scene’ when I discovered unexpectedly a patch of ice under the snow the other morning.

A Stroll Down an Autumn Path

A Stroll Down an Autumn Path