Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for August 5, 2023

When walking through clover, I often watch for fours-leafed clovers, but this time I found red leaves instead of four leaves. The red color probably came from plant stress either from weather conditions or from some soil deficiency, but I only spotted these two clovers that were turning red amongst the rest of the normal green colored clovers.

Clover Red Leaves

Clover Red Leaves

Picture of the Day for August 2, 2023

Around my home, you only have to travel less than a mile to find a habit that varies enough to find different wildflowers, and so when I traveled more than a hundred miles to a state park, I encountered many species that I haven’t seen before, including this flower. In the Pyrola genus, this flower is probably Shinleaf based on its leaves, but could also be Round-leaved Pyrola.

Pretty Pyrola

Pretty Pyrola

Picture of the Day for August 1, 2023

The clouds and a field of tall corn prevented me from getting a photo of the first supermoon of the month, the Full Sturgeon Moon, when it was rising tonight. The clouds also covered part of this moon photo taken years ago. August’s full moon is traditionally called the Sturgeon Moon because the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes traditionally caught during this month. Other names for the August full moon are Black Cherries Moon, Flying Up Moon, Harvest Moon, Mountain Shadows Moon, Ricing Moon and Corn Moon.

Moon in Clouds

Moon in Clouds