Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for April 2, 2015

Yesterday the ice layer on Lake Superior broke up and open water appeared again where I was standing for this picture so another sign that spring is coming and the rain last night took the last of my snow pile finally. But with chances of snow in the forecast, it might not be the last of the white stuff this spring yet.

Winter Fading

Winter Fading

Picture of the Day for April 1, 2015

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, if it thunders on All Fool’s Day, it brings good crops of corn and hay. We could use a good crop season but so far all day the thunderstorms have been staying just to the north, although there is a line of storms heading this direction now. The cropland remains idle after the long winter so hopefully the April Fool’s Day storm will bring a great crop year.

April Fool’s Day Thunder

April Fool's Day Thunder

Picture of the Day for March 30, 2015

Temperatures slightly above freezing yesterday afternoon melted the ice that fell earlier in the day which was a good thing with the strong winds making the tree branches rattle. So winter days aren’t so lucky when the heavy ice break limbs and power lines. I just don’t know if ice counted as snow for the robin tail for spring to finally come.

Ice Encased Leaf

Ice Encased Leaf

Picture of the Day for March 28, 2015

My robin is to blame for the predicted snow and sleet tonight since I keep seeing him duck under the pine tree so the snow can’t land on his tail during the brief snow showers, so apparently it has only snowed on the robin twice and not the three times for spring to truly arrive and stay. I might have to stake the robin in the middle of the yard tonight so that the snow can land on his tail and be done with winter. I guess that is why the robin is Wisconsin’s state bird because we have six or more months of winter!

Robin Causing it to Snow

Robin Causing it to Snow