Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for March 22, 2015

Built in 1891 on the south end of Superior, Wisconsin, the Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church made several journeys. The first journey was just a move of a few blocks down in 1898 but the second move was about 120 miles south to the city of New Richmond to be part of the Heritage Center.

When the church opened, services were held in both the German and English language in the early days as the industrial center of Superior had a large German immigrant population but even before the Great Depression, many factories had closed and membership dwindled until the church closed around the 1970’s.

Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

Picture of the Day for March 21, 2015

I couldn’t find any wildflowers yesterday to mark the start of spring but a bluebird was singing notifying me of his return from his winter vacation. So I cleaned out the bluebird houses, which meant evicting numerous squatters whom some would not vacate very easily and may take some more convincing before they decide to move on. And then there were houses where the squirrels enlarged the opening to get inside. I have plenty of hollow oak trees for the squirrels so they are wearing out their welcome by wrecking my birdhouses, eating the bird seed and peeing on my screens.

The bluebird may have headed south since a cooler morning but the cardinal is singing up a storm but I not too sure the female is listening.  But I just heard a robin so now it can snow three times this week and spring will be officially here.

Return of the Bluebird 

Return of the Bluebird

Picture of the Day for March 19, 2015

Astronomical winter ends today, but even though there is no snow on the ground, it doesn’t mean there won’t be more snow before winter is truly over. Especially since the robins aren’t back yet and the saying is that it’s not officially spring until “it has snowed on the Robins’ tail three times.”  I think this old milkhouse would prefer not getting snowed on again three more times as it is probably as ready for spring as I am.

Astronomical End of Winter

Astronomical End of Winter

Picture of the Day for March 18, 2015

Apparently the Irish were kicking their heels up last night and spilling their green beer as the sky was a moving green color. One benefit of all those cold nights walking out to check on the sheep during lambing time was that you were treated to the Aurora Borealis and you could watch the changing colors of blue and green light racing back and forth across the sky and sometimes even a bloody red color. The Aurora Borealis were out last night but the display in my area weren’t too dramatic or fast moving like some of the times so I didn’t drive to a lake shore for a pretty scene, especially since it was after midnight and below freezing so the end of my driveway was as far as I went.

St. Paddy’s Aurora Borealis

St. Paddy's Aurora Borealis

Picture of the Day for March 16, 2015

Critters and humans enjoyed the taste of spring the past week and we won’t like the return to normal temperatures. A pair of geese came to my pond yesterday and the seven kittens who were born on one of the coldest days in February (and needed a heat lamp to keep them from freezing) enjoyed the warm sunshine. But they better grow up fast as the chipmunk was on my porch this morning since he knows my cat died last year and feels safe to dig in my flower pots.

Box Full of Kittens

Box Full of Kittens

Picture of the Day for March 15, 2015

My weather predicting rodent says that snow has melted as he had been on top of rocks and stumps scouting this morning. It is the first appearance of the chipmunks and a sign spring is coming. But he kept looking towards my porch as I think he wants me to get my flower and garden pots out so he can dig the dirt out and uproot my flowers and eat my garden seeds.

Chipmunk Sees No Snow

Chipmunk Sees No Snow

Picture of the Day for March 14, 2015

In the late 1800s, towns could become a bit wild when Saturday evening came and the work week ended for many. Old logging towns became rowdy when brawling lumberjacks hit the town with their winter pay after months in the woods to spend it in local saloons and dance halls.

The town of Port Wing in northern Wisconsin was a sawmill town surrounded by a dozen logging camps so the local constable was kept busy when hundreds of lumberjacks hit the town. In 1896, this jail house was built with double walls of two inch solid white oak planking, one laid horizontally and one vertically; with wrought iron doors, windows and half inch thick hinges. It was used until the 1930’s.

Port Wing Old Town Jail

Port Wing Old Town Jail