Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for March 8, 2015

Yesterday there were over 11,300 people at the ice caves near Cornucopia on the Lake Superior shore and probably more visitors coming today. That is way too crowded for me so smaller out of the way places would be more fun for me so it is quiet enough to hear the water trickling down the frozen slope.

Quiet Stream Leaving Devil’s Punchbowl

Quiet Stream Leaving Devil's Punchbowl

Picture of the Day for March 7, 2015

Many people are headed to the most northern city in Wisconsin with a post office to visit the ice caves near Cornucopia and by 8 am, a thousand visitors have started the hike across the ice this morning and will only get busier this weekend with the short window this year to see the caves. (There were 5,000 people by 1 pm).

When it comes to nature and beautiful scenery, I have to admit I don’t like to share the experience with thousands of people as it gets way too crowded for this country gal. So yesterday I took my mom to the Devil’s Punchbowl to see some ice formations (and even there, we weren’t alone but a less than a dozen people is better than thousands).

And while it didn’t take miles of walking to reach the destination, it did involve some slippery slopes and 111 or so very icy stair steps but we made it down and back without landing on our butts (but one college student wasn’t as lucky).

I normally try to take nature scenes without people, but then you don’t always realize the scale without a reference point (as my mom picks on me for shooting a very close up tickle of water running down the driveway because it looked like a huge river) so this shot has my mom in the picture for scale.

Devil’s Punchbowl Ice Formations

Devil's Punchbowl Ice Formations