Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for February 21, 2015

The below normal February temperatures this year is allowing some ice formation by the sea caves again, for the third time this year. And if the winds don’t blow the ice pack away from the cliffs, the caves might open in a week or two for visitors again but at the moment there are too many thin spots to walk safely on the ice like last year.

A Walk on the Ice

A Walk on the Ice

Picture of the Day for February 20, 2015

The night brought a new coating of snow so many of the critter tracks are covered over with the blowing snow. But there are definitely squirrel tracks coming from the trees to my bird feeders and to my porch which they decorated my porch screen again with yellow pee – both this morning and yesterday morning. They better quit doing that as it is too cold to keep washing the screens.

New Coating of Snow

New Coating of Snow

Picture of the Day for February 14, 2015

It is a cold Valentine’s Day, the coldest in 72 years according to the weather folks, so probably no romantic picnic outside and no kissing the ring on the lady’s hand since the gentleman’s lips would freeze on to it. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of love in the air at the bird feeders either as it is every male, female, and youth on their own trying to get a seed as the birds battle each other and the squirrels. Maybe love will come back when spring ever decides to return.

The Great Backyard Bird Count started yesterday and continues through Monday so people around the world are counting birds this weekend. I haven’t seen the cardinals this week at the feeders but the finches, red poles, chickadees, nuthatch and woodpeckers have been fighting at the feeders.

Love is Not in the Air

Love is Not in the Air