Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for January 2, 2015

“On the Eighth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Eight Maids a-Milking.”  I don’t think any wise maid milk would stick around during a Wisconsin winter to milk a herd of cows when the highs will be below zero. Of course technology has changed the way cows are milked with even robots do the milking, and while the machine might breakdown occasionally, they don’t call in sick from a New Year Eve hangover!

Eight Machines a-Milking

Eight Machines a-Milking

Picture of the Day for December 30, 2014

“On the Fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Five Golden Rings.” Since I don’t wear much jewelry, instead of golden rings I would like to see golden flowers like sunflowers. The birds would like more sunflower seeds on this -11ºF morning so it would be better to have rings of yellow petals around the sunflower seed head.  The sun even had a ring around it yesterday from the ice crystals in the air so memories of a warmer day is preferred.

Five Yellow Rings

Five Yellow Rings

Picture of the Day for December 29, 2014

“On the Fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me Four Calling Birds”. I wouldn’t want four calling birds in the house but I would like hearing some of the songs of the spring birds, but that won’t happen for a while as winter only officially started a week ago. Even the noisy barn swallows, like these four birds, would be a welcome sound over the squeaky snow under my feet as it is -5ºF this morning.

Four Noisy Birds

Four Noisy Birds

Picture of the Day for December 24, 2014

When I was in grade school, it was our job to cut the Christmas from our planting of pine trees for a windbreak the first day school let out fro Christmas break. But since it was a windbreak, we could only take a tree where the trees were too thick so that meant a ‘Charlie Brown’ type of tree, which was usually flat on one side. The Charlie Brown tree did work well in a small room since the flat side could be pushed tight to the wall. One problem with the tree was that it would always grow after we cut it by the time we got to the house door!

This leaning tree might have fit into the Charlie Brown category since the deer rubbed off several rows of branches, although the gap is covered with the heavy snow laden branches, but since the tree was on the end of the row, it would have been safe from being a Christmas tree.

No clear, sunny sky for this Christmas Eve Day but then I suppose that means it won’t be real cold tonight for Santa’s reindeer but if Santa can bring the sun for our present, I think a lot of people would be happy.

Christmas Eve Tree

Christmas Eve Tree