Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for December 3, 2014

Just like children, the batch of kittens at the farm were outside last night trying to catch the snowflakes coming down. But besides catching snowflakes, they were also chasing each other and running under my vehicle and when the majority of the kittens are black and it was dark out, that doesn’t make for the the best combination. It is much easier to spot black kittens in the daylight on the white snow.

Black on White

Black on White

Picture of the Day for December 2, 2014

In the middle of a very long barn wall, a barn door allowed its owner passage for years. Now the door and barn is feeling its age much like the weary farmer but I wonder what stories it could tell. Did it have a barn warming party after it was first built? Did it host a barn dance? How many critters did the barn shelter over the years.

Passage Through Old Barn Door

Passage Through Old Barn Door

Picture of the Day for November 29, 2014

While most corn is combined these days, there are still some farmers who pick the corn to feed ground cob corn to steers and each fall it is a gamble with the weather waiting for the corn to dry down to a moisture level which the corn can be stored in a crib and before the snow gets too deep to get in the fields with the corn picker. On wet years, sometimes they have to wait until the ground freezes so they don’t bury the tractor and equipment in the fields.

The mature cob corn might not be very appealing to us who want the nice juicy sweet corn in the summer, but the critters like this corn including the squirrels and birds that also eat on the corn in the crib.

Corn on the Cob

Corn on the Cob