Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for July 8, 2023

When I see a bee, I think of honey, but most people not have a warm association with wasps, even though wasps do serve a purpose of eating insects and keeping other insect populations under control. But I still don’t like wasps as my body don’t like them and with one stinging me on the nose, I spent six hours at urgent care today with a very swollen face.

Nice Honey Bee

Nice Honey Bee

Picture of the Day for July 3, 2023

Some communities have their firework display scheduled for tonight, but nature provided its own fireworks in the form of lightning as the thunderstorms arrived this afternoon with much needed rain, although with the dry, hard ground a lot of the rain probably ran off without soaking in. There was wind and hail too and just as the storm was ending, the power went out. But a rainbow also appeared in the sky as the storm moved away.

Color After the Storm

Color After the Storm