Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for November 23, 2014

It seems like in photography to get a good picture is 99% luck and I didn’t have good luck with this church picture for the timing of taking an autumn scene. The hillsides were changing into their colorful array on my way to an appointment until I got to the church where only a hint of color was showing and since it was too early in the day, the sun hadn’t moved into the correct position yet but at least the clouds were pretty that day so one out of three pieces fell in place. I wasn’t able to get back to the area later to get the full color but maybe next year I will have better luck.

Hint of Color at St. Katherine’s

Hint of Color at St. Katherine's

Picture of the Day for November 19, 2014

Watching more snow falling outside has me wishing for warmer days and watching something else fall, like water falling over a cliff. Even during a dry fall, the Upper Falls on the Baptism River is quite impressive and you can see the rock bed behind the water which is impossible in the springtime when a thick wall of water rushes over the edge covering the full river bed channel. Sure would be nice to sit on a rock on a sunny day listening to the falling water dropping sixty feet, enjoying the scenery and watching the white foam forming at the base of the waterfall rather than seeing white snow blowing by.

Falling Water

Falling Water

Picture of the Day for November 17, 2014

You might want to close the window if you were driving this old vehicle today, otherwise you could get a wee bit chilly with below zero wind chills and blowing snow.  The back end seems like it might be a little low to the ground to get over the snow drifts but I imagine, what appears to be a 1951 Ford Panel van, was quite the vehicle its glory days.

Old Ford Van

Old Ford Panel Van