Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for November 11, 2014

Today in the United States, Veterans Day is celebrated to honor all those who have served in the Armed Forces.  The origins of the holiday dates back to Armistice Day, when President Woodrow Wilson in 1919 proclaimed November 11 as a remembrance of the armistice calling for a ceasefire for World War I the year before.

Since the ‘war to end all wars’ didn’t end all war, President Eisenhower signed a bill into law in 1954 to change the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day to honor all the veterans, not just from WWI. And while Memorial Day celebrates men and women who died while serving, Veterans Day celebrates the service of all military veterans.

But for me on this Veterans Day, a special remembrance to all the veterans who did not died in service but who are no longer with us and whose family have heard the playing of taps for their loved one this past year.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Picture of the Day for November 9, 2014

This Sunday’s picture is another non-white rural church but does have a slight connection with last week’s picture. Last week’s church was rebuilt after a tornado and was where my mom attended as a child and this week’s church was rebuilt after a fire on a winter morning in 1945. (Since I wasn’t born yet, I don’t know if the original church was white or not.) The present structure was finished in 1952 and is where I have attended most of my life. It is also the church from which we held the funeral services for my father last month and today some of dad’s relatives are coming to visit since the snow storm won’t arrive until tomorrow.

St. Bridget’s Church

St. Bridget's Church

Picture of the Day for November 6, 2014

The view at the upper falls on the Amnicon River has changed from two months ago.  In September when this picture was taken, the trees were all green yet while last month the turning leaves would have added a array of colors on the scene. This month the trees would be bare except the evergreens and soon the ground will be white and ice forming on the water. Maybe next year I can head up north to see the falls in the autumn glorious colors.

Amnicon Upper Falls

Amnicon Upper Falls