Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for September 24, 2014

The arrival of the railroad in 1883 to Washburn (south of Bayfield, WI) stimulated quarrying and logging activities. There was three quarries located in the area known as Houghton Point and the railway carried the brownstone building material to Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Cincinnati.

The Houghton Point quarry opened in 1892 but the brownstone industry quickly ended by 1903 as the stone was replaced by concrete and other building materials. And eventually, the rail service was discontinued and abandoned. The old railway cuts through the Houghton Falls State Natural Area and the old railway culverts over the creek still exists, although I wouldn’t want to have derailed by the deep ravine as the creek drops sixty feet as it makes it way into Lake Superior.

Old Railway Over Plunging Creek

Old Railway Over Plunging Creek

Picture of the Day for September 23, 2014

Autumn officially started last evening at 9:29 pm for my area but it was too dark then to see if the day was the same length as night, but the sun is out shining on the first full day of autumn highlighting the autumn leaves turning color early. And it is definitely fall as some of the leaves have fallen already. Autumn, by the calendar, is supposed to go until December 21 when winter begins, but winter will arrive much sooner than that here so it is a rip off that autumn always draws the short stick! So I guess I better enjoy the autumn colors since they won’t last long.

First Full Day of Autumn

First Full Day of Autumn

Picture of the Day for September 22, 2014

I don’t think last Monday’s tow truck will be towing any cars to this garage for repairs. Weathering too many storms, or just too many years, has put a toll on this former business, soon to be forgotten and probably will disappear from the side of the road soon.

The Cloverland Garage in Cloverland, WI doesn’t have a page on Wikipedia, nor is on the National Register of Historic Places like the Cloverland Garage in Cloverland, WA does. One letter change means one building important and the other forgotten, except for the people who once passed through its doors. I wonder what make and model was the first car worked on in the garage and what was its last vehicle.

Cloverland Garage

Cloverland Garage

Picture of the Day for September 21, 2014

I was going to post an old church picture, which I often do on a Sunday, but the picture I took of an old abandon church during the storm on Lake Superior had a rain drop on the lens which I didn’t notice at the time. I had to wipe the lens off a lot that day but apparently not enough times.

So instead I am posting a very quiet waterfall (since it was before the storm and not after) called Twin Falls for this Sunday’s picture. This two step waterfall is sometimes referred to as Lower Twin Falls as there is another small waterfall higher up the cliff and maybe why it was named Twin Falls.  For me, I think the name came from the almost equal drops from one ledge to the next ledge where the water falls twice.

Twin Falls

Twin Falls

Picture of the Day for September 20, 2014

During one vacation on the western shore of Lake Superior, probably thirty-five plus years ago already, we encountered a seagull with a bad leg so we would try to make sure ‘Hoppy’ got a treat each day.  Last week on the south shore of Lake Superior, I encountered another ‘Hoppy’ and spotted him each day on the beach, especially since he was an outcast and normally on the fringe of the group or by himself.

But I shouldn’t have called him Hoppy since he never hopped, as he just stood on his one good leg or flew, no hopping around. So instead I should have called him ‘Crooked Leg Charlie’.

Crooked Leg Charlie

Crooked Leg Charlie


Picture of the Day for September 19, 2014

There are more signs summer is coming to an end with the chill in the air and fall colors being to show more. Autumn is a pretty time of the year but it fades to quickly and the long winter is around the corner.

I wonder what the P stands for on the barn. Was it the first letter of the farmer’s last name or farm name? I wonder if it stood for Peterson like my great, great grandfather’s name.

The Red P Barn

The Red P Barn

Picture of the Day for September 17, 2014

All over the world, there are reports of lake monsters, with the Loch Ness Monster being a very famous one. Even the Great Lakes has their sea monsters, like Bessie and Mishipeshu (an underwater panther), but I found my own sea monster resting on the south shore of Lake Superior after the storm.

And in keeping with the naming theme of several other great sea monsters; like ‘Nessie’ the Loch Ness monster, ‘Bessie’ the Lake Erie lake monster, ‘Tahoe Tessie’ the cryptozoological creature in Lake Tahoe, ‘Cressie’ the eel-like creature in Canada’s Crescent Lake and ‘Issie’ Japanese’s Lake Ikeda monster, I am naming my Lake Superior monster ‘Sessie’. I probably was very lucky to be out on the beach before dawn to spot Sessie before she returned to the water.



Picture of the Day for September 16, 2014

When visiting the waterfalls in Northern Wisconsin near Lake Superior, people are drawn to the big falls watching the water plunge over the edge and listening to the roar of the water, but upstream from the falls in the shallow streams, another pretty view can be seen which is so often overlooked for the main event. Sometimes the main event isn’t flowing during certain times of the year as this small branch of the Amnicon River only flows when river levels are high, hence the name of the falls is ‘Now and Then Falls’ which is just down stream from this spot but with the recent heavy rains, it was flowing now.

Upstream from Now and Then Falls

Upstream from Now and Then Falls