Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for April 17, 2014

I am having trouble finding any color this spring as there are no flowers blooming yet, even if I could find them under the snow. About the only color I can find are some leaves from last year which are under the water in the pond. At least the melting snow has filled the pond with clear water so you can see deep into the pond to where the leaf was resting on last year’s cattail leaves.

The refilled pond also had visitors the other day as a pair of mallards and a pair of wood ducks were enjoying a swim but I didn’t try to get pictures of them as I wanted the wood ducks to nest in the duck house.

Color Under the Water

Color Under the Water

Picture of the Day for April 16, 2014

My niece had an early wake up call when one of her cows was calving this morning. And calving wasn’t late enough this year since the ground is white again with a fresh new layer of snow and so I didn’t even walk to the barn in the cold weather to take a picture of the new calf. The calves two years were enjoying green grass and dandelions in April but not this year. And no warm sunshine to take a nap outside either.

Sleepy Time Calf

Sleepy Time Calf

Picture of the Day for April 15, 2014

April 15th is dreaded by some since today individual income taxes are due in the United States and April 15th has had other tragic events like the Boston Marathon bombing, the sinking of the RMS Titanic and Abraham Lincoln dies from an assassin’s bullet. And a ‘blood moon’ seemed rather eerie in the early morning hours especially when the moon totally disappeared when I was trying to take pictures of the eclipse. The moon disappeared and the owls stopped hooting so it looked like the world was ending, at least when a lone cloud covered the moon from sight for a few minutes.

The first lunar eclipse of the tetrad (a series of four consecutive total eclipses occurring at approximately six month intervals) today was when Mars was also the closest to Earth in years. The 21st century will see frequent tetrads but during the three hundred period between 1600 to 1900 there was no tetrads so Abraham Lincoln never got a chance to witness a lunar tetrad.

The red of the ‘blood’ moon actually comes from the Earth’s circumference, which is a fiery ring of sunsets and sunrises around the world (except for where some of us were standing out in the night in below freezing temperatures taking pictures). The red light entering the atmosphere is bent towards the Earth’s surface and it is bent again when it exists the other side and the double bending beams reddish light into the heart of Earth’s shadow and the coppery glow transforms the moon into a great red orb or bloody moon.

Blood Moon

Blood Moon

Picture of the Day for April 14, 2014

The Two Harbors Light is the oldest operating lighthouse in the US state of Minnesota. Overlooking Lake Superior’s Agate Bay, the lighthouse is located in Two Harbors, Minnesota. The lighthouse construction was completed in 1892 and the first lighting of the Two Harbors light was on April 14, 1892.

The tower is made of red brick and the head keeper’s residence is attached, it towers 78 feet from the lake level to the top with an octagonal lantern room originally equipped with a fixed, fourth-order Fresnel lens.

The Keeper’s Quarters of the Lighthouse have been restored to the early 20th century era which the Lake County Historical Society operates as a bed and breakfast.

Two Harbors Lighthouse

Two Harbors Lighthouse

Picture of the Day for April 13, 2014

My cat enjoyed the couple of warm days we had since he could go outside and watch for chipmunks. I am amazed at the patience he has for that when he has no patience if I’m late getting his food or opening the door. Sitting around a hole in the ice waiting for a fish to bite or watching a hole waiting for a chipmunk to appear must be a male thing and is the only time males have patience, but then at least they are out of the female’s hair for a while.

Chipmunk Watch

Chipmunk Watch

Picture of the Day for April 12, 2014

And while most of the snow is gone in my area, there is still snow farther north but some signs of spring is coming there too with the ice leaving the frozen rivers as many of the waterfalls along Lake Superior on the Minnesota shoreline opened up yesterday and started flowing again.

I haven’t made the trek in the spring to walk on snowy trails to the waterfalls as I figure I would slip and fall in so my views of them are when they don’t have as much water flowing and no ice chucks floating by.

Dry Gooseberry Falls

Dry Gooseberry Falls

Picture of the Day for April 11, 2014

Abundant snowfall did allow my pond to fill up this spring with the melting snow and there are a few snow drifts left to remind us of the long winter. But the tree swallows have arrived today and I saw a butterfly too, although no frogs singing the spring chorus yet nor any tadpoles swimming in the pond. Just a few water beetles swimming in the cold pond water. Update : heard a couple of frogs late this afternoon for a few minutes in the warmest part of the day.

Refilled Pond

Refilled Pond

Picture of the Day for April 10, 2014

The dang groundhog sure was wrong when spring would arrive and missed the mark by more than a month. The more accurate weather predicting rodent is the chipmunk since he doesn’t pop his head out of his tunnels until temperature warms up and the snow is melting. And with the deep snow pack this winter, he even was able to find an acorn that the squirrels didn’t find.

Weather Predicting Chipmunk

Weather Predicting Chipmunk

Picture of the Day for April 9, 2014

Dry creek beds and little streams increase their size and look larger when the snow melts. And always good when the snow melts slowly so flooding doesn’t occur, even if many of us want all the snow gone right now. My little pond has filled up and is overflowing so maybe when the ice melts off the top, I will get some visiting ducks.

Winter River

Winter River

Picture of the Day for April 8, 2014

Hint of spring is in the air, at least the singing of returning birds can be heard, like the red-winged blackbirds, killdeers, robins and the sweet sound of the Eastern Bluebird.

Soon, when the female bluebirds arrive, the male will put on a display at the nesting boxes. He will bring nesting materials, usually dry grass, into the nest and then perches on top waving his wings. And that is about his only contribution to the nest building as the female does the nest building and incubating the eggs. But I have seen the female reject the male’s nest choice and he has to go house hunting some more.

Return of the Bluebirds

Return of the Bluebirds