Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for March 6, 2014

In this cave, you don’t have to worry about icicles falling down on your head, but you might want to watch out for falling slabs of rock instead. Plus you have to remember that you are walking on ice which you hear cracking and you wonder if you will drop into Lake Superior. Even though it was a three mile hike and you listened to the creaking and moaning of the ice under your feet, it was a grand area to explore the depths and height of this cave with walls coated with different types of ice including crystal clear and a ceiling of red colored sandstone which took on a golden glow as the sun set.

Red Golden Cave

Red Golden Cave

Picture of the Day for March 5, 2014

On the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Facebook page, they made this comment about the ice caves. “As the weather warms up, the walk to the ice caves will be more pleasant – but that also means that icicles will start melting and falling and there will be more slush on the ice – make sure not to stand under ice formations and wear waterproof boots – with ice cleats!”

And standing under or near one of the icicles could be very hazardous to one’s health, as some like this one, are an average of three and half to four feet in diameter and even larger at the base. Even this one has a section which is close to six feet across so it would have a bit of an impact if it hit you. It appears it make a bit of an impact on the ice surface and created a crack in the ice.

Fallen ‘Little’ Icicle

Fallen 'Little' Icicle

Picture of the Day for March 4, 2014

This barn looks as sad as I feel when the weatherman mentioned more snow. I don’t think this barn can handle anymore snow and I’m not sure other buildings can either. I know I can’t throw the snow up over the piles anymore so waiting for spring to arrive and as the one weatherman said, spring will arrive sometime in 2014.

More Sad

More Sad

Picture of the Day for March 3, 2014

Although I have another shot without people in my landscape picture, I did decide to use this one so one could get the scale of rocks, cliffs and caves. On the far left there are two people walking aside the cliffs, one wearing red and the other in black.

It was this cave opening which I wanted to get back to when the sun was going down to catch the golden glow. For the picture I posted on February 13, I was inside looking out towards the direction where I was standing to take this picture looking into it earlier in the afternoon. And since there was so many caves and ice formations to see, I had to hustle back to this spot when the sun was setting. But by staying at the cave until the sun went down, it meant a mile and half hike across the frozen Lake Superior in sub-zero temps in quickly fading twilight but it was worth it.

The Photographer’s Cave

The Photographer's Cave

Picture of the Day for March 2, 2014

I try, when I can, find information on the subjects I photograph and the first thing I found about this church once I knew its name was that the church had a 1928 Hinners Organ.  St. Katherine Evangelical Lutheran Church, near Rusk, Wisconsin, was organized on February 9, 1878 and the church was completed in August of that year.  Its original name was The Evangelical Lutheran St. Katherine Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession.

But the more interesting story is the company that made the organ. The Hinners Organ was dedicated to the manufacture of pipe organs for smaller churches and enjoyed much success from its conception in May 1879. It depended entirely on a catalog as the company employed no salesmen, and therefore it was able to sell its organs at a very reasonable price.

The Great Depression played a big part in the company’s demise, but with the lack of salesmen, the company lost contact with its market developments and the need of larger organs for city churches and theaters. Disagreements among the owners about building bigger organs spelled doom for the Hinners Company and the company dissolved in October 1942.

St. Katherine Church

St. Katherine Church

Picture of the Day for February 28, 2014

I love the golden glow which appears when the sun begins to set but the golden moment doesn’t last long and I’m not always in the spot I want to be when that moment arrives. And when I shoot landscape photos, I try not to have man-made objects in them or people, but photographs don’t always give you the scale without a reference or more views. This cave went very deep which isn’t seen in this view and with a very high ceiling. The little, icy opening on the left side was big enough for me to walk through so it would have been a long drop if I fell off the top when I hiked on the ridge of the caves in the summer. But then I didn’t know I wasn’t walking on solid ground so not sure I will feel so safe to walk on top again since I saw recent slabs that have fallen from the ceiling and sides.

Golden Cave

Golden Cave