Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for December 6, 2013

You often hear people say that ‘things will look better in the morning’. Even in the Disney’s Jungle Book, Bagheera said the same quote, but it sure didn’t look better this morning as the trees are still ice and snow coated and it definitely did not feel better with the temperatures below zero. The poor trees seem as weary of winter as I am and winter has only started.

Not Better in the Morning

Snowy Morning

Picture of the Day for December 1, 2013

Today might be the last Sunday above freezing for a walk in the woods without the ground being covered in snow until springtime, but with deer hunting still going on, it might not be too safe for a walk without wearing orange.

But if you did adventure out in the woods around here, you might spot some bright green leaves looking totally out of place with the rest of the autumn decor. The Hepatica is first wildflower to appear in my woods in the spring, where the blossoms comes up on its own stem and the leaves do not appear until after the flower petals have dropped. And while they are first wildflower in the spring, the Hepatica seems to be the last one giving green color to the forest floor.

Wee Bit of Green

Wee Bit of Green