Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for April 12, 2013

Mother Nature is playing a late April Fool Day joke. It is snowing and I thought the saying was April showers bring May flowers. I have no clue what April snow brings besides cussing and sore backs from shoveling the heavy, wet snow. It definitely is not bringing flowers but it has brought a lot of birds to the feeders (and other critters too).

I probably should have posted a flower picture but maybe by giving the snow its coverage as the picture of the day, it can go hibernate for a while and let spring come!

Cruel Joke!

Cruel Joke

Picture of the Day for April 11, 2013

The birds and critters must have been listening to the weather forecast since there were lots of birds pigging out at the feeders, even the cardinal (which some say brings the snow). And the chipmunk came out of hibernation to stuff its cheeks full of seed to carry off to its den. After the fourth trip, I went out to the feeder and the chipmunk just sat there waiting for me to leave so it could continue stealing my seed.

Seed Bandit

Seed Bandit

Picture of the Day for April 10, 2013

Last March there were many different flowers blooming but this year there is no sign of any flowers in April yet. And if the crocus had popped its head out, it would be covered with the fresh snow over night with more snowing coming so I guess the flowers were smart not to poke their heads up. But the robin will definitely get snow on its tail three times at least!

Missing Crocus 

Missing Crocus

Picture of the Day for April 6, 2013

I saw the first robin back yesterday but farmers in rural Wisconsin always say that it is not officially ‘Spring’ until it has snowed on the Robins’ tail three times.

Now that the robins are back, I wished it would hurry up and snow the three times on their tails so spring can arrive. I don’t know why the robins came back since there are no worms,  no leaves on the trees, and very few patches of ground showing.

And it snowed later in the day, so two more times left!

Spring Robin