Enjoying some sunshine today, the bloodroots finally started to open up this spring. With reddish sap throughout the plant, especially when root is cut, gave its common name of bloodroot.
Bloodroots Opening Up
Another bird has arrived but the Brown Thrasher wasn’t singing this morning, probably since it is still way below average and the trees are not budded out as far as when I took this picture during a warmer spring. If he was singing, his song includes imitations of other birds and over a thousand of different song types.
Brown Thrasher Not Singing
With snowflakes flying most every day, spring is slow coming and the spring birds are probably wondering why they came back so soon. But at least this sparrow didn’t have the trouble like the loons that dropped from the sky after getting coated with ice and they are unable to fly if the loons didn’t fall in water as they need big stretches of water to take flight again.
Sparrow in Snow