Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for March 13, 2013

There are other spots of white in the spring after the snow finally melts. The white blossoms of the Bloodroot, wrapped in green leaves, add some of the first color in the spring time woods.

The blood of the root (when cut open) was used as a dye. A break in the surface of the plant, especially the roots, reveals a reddish sap.



Picture of the Day for March 11, 2013

The white trillium might not be a flower showing pretty colors, but the white blossoms do stand out against the green and brown forest floor in the spring.

And they stand out too well for the deer. Trilliums are a favored food of white-tailed deer. Indeed if trilliums are available deer will seek these plants, with a preference for T. grandiflorum like the one pictured, to the exclusion of others. When deer foraging intensity increases, the plant becomes shorter each growing season due to the reduction in energy reserves from less photosynthetic production.

My poor trilliums where hit hard last year by the deer and it will be a miracle if any of them will blossom this year.

White Trillium

White Trillium

Picture of the Day for March 10, 2013

According to the ‘official groundhog’ prediction, spring was supposed to be early and come in four weeks. Well the four weeks are up and it is snowing this morning so my groundhog was right this time, not that I wanted him to right. And since I am waiting for spring, I think this week’s theme will be search for spring wildflowers.

And while the Jack-in-the-pulpit doesn’t have bright colors, it is at least green instead of white!



Picture of the Day for March 5, 2013

The only color one can see today will be the man toys clearing the snow as even the pine trees are white. But since I don’t have a ‘big boy toy’ to clear my driveway and there is a lot more snow to remove than what is in this picture, the green color of my little toy will be white with the wind blowing the snow and since I have no cozy cab on my snow-blower  I will be white too!

More White

More White

Picture of the Day for March 4, 2013

There are not too many red wildflowers and red is not too common in the winter either, unless you catch a glimpse of the Northern Cardinal. Although some people might chew out the cardinal out for bringing the snow, I think the cardinal is just smarter than some people and will stock up on food before the snow flies. And the snow has started to fall today so I wonder if the cardinal stocked up enough.

During courtship, the male feeds seed to the female beak-to-beak, but I bet he wants to be waited on once the honeymoon is over!

Red & White

Red & White