Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for February 1, 2013

Today is National Freedom Day, an observance in the United States that honors the signing of a resolution that proposed the 13th amendment of the nation’s constitution on February 1, 1865. Abraham Lincoln, who was the president at the time, signed the resolution to outlaw slavery. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified on December 18, 1865, outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude.

But apparently that amendment does not apply to people who have cats, since humans are cats slaves! And they can be rather demanding and forcing us into involuntary servitude if you don’t want to get clawed up.

It is hard to work on the computer when the ‘master’ is around, blocking my view to the monitor or sitting on the mouse. Apparently Tippy wanted to make sure I was editing a picture of herself to be in the next children’s book. She will be rather disappointed when she finds out that she is not the star in the next book!

Cats Rule

Cats Rule

Picture of the Day for January 30, 2013

What is an eerie noise that sounds like rain is actually the icy limbs rattling in the wind and it makes you wonder how many limbs are going to break under the weight of the ice. And can be sort of pretty to look at and it seems like snowflakes, the ice creates a unique form on every needle, branch and limb. It appears every needle on the pine tree was encased by the ‘pretty ice’.

Unique Ice

Unique Ice

Picture of the Day for January 28, 2013

With the new snowfall, there is very little color on the landscape, and certainly no bright yellow flowers. Bright flowers and even colorful spiders won’t reappear for a few more months.

This successful spider, carrying its latest victim, is called the goldenrod crab spider or flower (crab) spider, because it is commonly found hunting in goldenrod sprays in the autumn. The goldenrod attracts a large numbers of insects and therefore, the older female spider will prey there to produce the best possible clutch of eggs.

Younger females will hunt on a variety of flowers such as daisies and sunflowers and are able to change their color to yellow or white. The color change takes several days to complete.

The goldenrod crab spider does not build webs but instead they ambush their prey and they have small jaws with venom to take on larger insects.

Goldenrod Crab Spider

Goldenrod Crab Spider

Picture of the Day for January 23, 2013

After some light snow this morning, the sun is out and it is a little warmer since above zero finally but not warm enough that I would head to a frozen lake to do some ice fishing. I didn’t go last weekend either when it was the free ice fishing days. I guess I prefer my fishing when it is 72 with a light west wind and a few puffy clouds in sky and if the fish don’t bite, I can watch the bald eagles, beavers and otters. I don’t like listening to the ice cracking, wondering how thick the ice is or trying to keep warm just to catch a fish so I guess I have to wait a while before I go fishing again.

Frozen Lake

Frozen Lake