Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for January 19, 2013

I had a picture request from someone ‘Down Under’ for star constellation pictures from the Northern Hemisphere so I ventured out into the darkness last two nights. During the winter night trips to the lambing barn, Orion was the constellation which stood out on the chilly nights. But since Orion is visible in the Southern Hemisphere, just sort of upside down, I figured the North Star and the Big and Little Dippers would be a more appropriate picture for the request.

The North Star has historically been used for navigation both to find the direction of north and to determine latitude and early pioneers would point the wagon tongue to the North Star at night to determine direction when morning came and then they could set landmarks for the day’s travel.

The North Star

North Star

Picture of the Day for January 18, 2013

The winter skies can produce sundogs when ice crystals are present in the air in very cold weather and there is a chance that some might be visible in the next few days but sometimes the sun can reflect on the winter clouds to give off different colors like green and in this case a pink color.

It seems rather eerie when the sun is masked by the clouds and makes it appear more like the moon than the sun.

Eerie Sun

Eerie Sun

Picture of the Day for January 15, 2013

To close out critter week, I figured we needed a picture of one more farm animal and since lambing season has started for some farmers, these playful lambs are a good subject. Lambs sure love to play king on the hill and race around chasing each other.

These lambs are a breed called Targhee, a relatively new breed that is less than a hundred years old as U.S. Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho, began in the fall of 1926 to lay the foundation for the Targhee sheep breed consisting of a cross of Rambouillet, Lincoln, and Corriedale breeds.

The new breed was named Targhee after the Targhee National Forest where the animals grazed during the summer. The forest was named for a chief of the Bannock Indians who had lived in the area in the 1860’s.

Playful Lambs

Picture of the Day for January 13, 2013

Baby critters are always cute and when they are small to start with, that makes them even  more precious.

The earliest history of miniature horses was in the 1650 AD records of the Palace at Versailles where King Louis XIV kept a vast Zoo, replete with unusual animals, including tiny horses.

Miniature horses were used in England & Northern Europe as far back as the 1700’s to pull ore carts in the coal mines. They were also bred by European royalty as pets for the royal children. In the 19th century, some miniatures were brought to the United States to be used in the mines in Ohio and West Virginia. Many early breeders imported horses from Europe, especially England and Holland, which helped to create the miniature breed, as it is known today. Some miniatures trace back to the Falabella Ranches in Buenos Aries, Argentina, South America, which was founded in the mid 1840’s.

Following in Mom’s Steps