Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for April 19, 2023

With snowflakes flying most every day, spring is slow coming and the spring birds are probably wondering why they came back so soon. But at least this sparrow didn’t have the trouble like the loons that dropped from the sky after getting coated with ice and they are unable to fly if the loons didn’t fall in water as they need big stretches of water to take flight again.

Sparrow in Snow

Sparrow in Snow

Picture of the Day for April 12, 2023

Spring has arrived, or maybe summer is here temporarily with an 86 degree day, and with the warm day, three different flowers opened up, including the native wildflower Hepatica which blooms before its leaves sprout up. The fruits of the Hepatica are reported to be a favorite of chipmunks so maybe that is why I have so many of those rodents around.

First Wildflower

First Wildflower