Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for February 16, 2023

The unexpected rain in February polished the snow and ice to very slippery conditions, as even one of the farm cats was doing the dance jig as she slid down the hill about fifteen feet, but with four legs she manage to stay upright – barely. You expect to find ice on frozen lakes, but not on the driveway and walkways and it probably won’t melt before the snow next week hides it making even trickier to walk outside.

Walking on Superior Ice

Walking on Superior Ice

Picture of the Day for February 14, 2023

The day was filled with red colors for Valentine’s Day as even Mother Nature provided a reddish sunrise.  There is a saying “Red sky in morning, sailors take warning”, which can come true in the middle latitudes and when the storms generally move west to east. With sunlight reflecting off particles in the air, the red sky can indicate a high water content in the atmosphere so that rain cold be on its way. And it came true today as it started to rain a few hours after sunrise, which isn’t common in February, but maybe a good thing it was rain today otherwise it may have been a foot of snow instead.

Valentine’s Red Sky

Valentine's Red Sky

Picture of the Day for February 13, 2023

I spent some time this afternoon scooping water away from the office door which was trapped by the snow banks and couldn’t drain away. But if I didn’t throw it far enough, the water would drain right back into my mini lake and it felt like a losing battle at times, like trying to empty the water out of the opening in the ice at Siskiwit Falls.

Siskiwit Falls in Wintertime

Siskiwit Falls in Wintertime

Picture of the Day for February 12, 2023

There was water pooling in areas from some snow melting today but with build up snow, the water couldn’t drain away from my driveway cement and will create a frozen patch of ice by morning. Water was running across the sheet of ice by the Lake Superior ice caves where water was seeping from the rock layers that created the icy waterfalls. Ice grippers on your shoes were helpful in crossing the smooth slick ice after the water refroze.

Pooling Icy Water

Pooling Icy Water

Picture of the Day for February 11, 2023

The temperature might have been 25 while I was feeding the steers, but the cold wind made my eyes watered. But Dolly didn’t see to notice the cold breeze as she is a Scottish Highland, which is a very hardy breed that is almost as cold tolerant as other artic animals like caribou and reindeer with its shaggy long hair on the outside and a downy undercoat.

Scottish Highland Cow

Scottish Highland Cow