Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for February 8, 2023

There was some melting today as it made it to 44 degrees this afternoon so it would have been a great day to enjoy the outdoors except the wind made it feel like barely freezing. But out of the wind, maybe a little sunbathing could happen like this Great Blue Heron positioning its wings to catch the sun rays. And while the technique may help to warm the bird, the sunbathing is also used to get rid of parasites living on their skin and feathers since just ten minutes in the sun rays can heat the wings to 140 to 160 degrees which is hot enough to kill lice.

Sunbathing Heron

Sunbathing Heron

Picture of the Day for February 2, 2023

Punxsutawney Phil and Sun Prairie’s Jimmy the Groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter, but if winter only lasted six more weeks, that would be an early spring for here. It was too cold for any of my furry rodents to poke their heads out of their winter dens, but they wouldn’t have seen their shadow at sunrise, but the dozen turkeys crossing the road at noon did see their shadows so it might be a really long winter.

Turkey Predicting Long Winter

Turkey Predicting Long Winter