Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for September 2, 2022

Earlier this week, the winds were in the right direction for bird migration and an estimated 8.1 million birds cross over my county in one night. And while those birds flying at an average of 46 mph at 2,700 feet were from farther north, my summer birds are leaving too. And since I didn’t scare away my green heron out of my pond when I mowed this week, the tadpoles may be safe from the hungry heron if it migrated south. One afternoon, I watched the green heron snatch a dozen tadpoles so I don’t know if it was going to feed some young chicks or it was just a big snack getting ready for the migration.

Green Heron Hunting

Green Heron Hunting

Picture of the Day for August 29, 2022

Children have started to make their return for the new school year, but not too many will have their lessons taught in a one-room schoolhouse. This schoolhouse was built in 1915 for the Fairview school district in the Town of Tripp, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. In 1952 it was moved to the Port Wing to serve as the music room for the old South Shore School until that school was replaced by a new building. The Fairview school then traveled a few blocks and served as a law office. It made a fourth move in 2016, more than a 100 years after being built, to the Oulu Heritage Center where it now serves again as a one-room school for classes in the summer.

Fairview Schoolhouse

Fairview Schoolhouse

Picture of the Day for August 24, 2022

Even on a cloudy day with a brief rain shower, it is always a fun time to visit a lighthouse, although you might not want to be riding top side of the boat in the rain. After a three year delay in getting the third order lens from the Paris, the Devils Island Light was finally lit on the new 82 foot tall steel cylinder in 1901. External braces were added in 1914 as high winds at the exposed location caused enough motion of the tower to extinguished the lamp so more support was needed.

Devils Island Light

Devils Island Light