Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for June 2, 2022

When I lifted the cover for the propane tank, I spotted a tree frog hiding under the lid and I always wonder if it could be an offspring of the tree frog that spent the winter in my house five years ago. At least the one inside my house didn’t do the mating call before I turned it loose outside in the spring as the tree frogs were rather noisy the prior evening.

Tree Frog Friend

Tree Frog Friend

Picture of the Day for May 31, 2022

The winds knocked out power in the morning and made it hard to take a photo of flowers as they waved in the strong breeze, but bleeding hearts had a blue backdrop with the sun shining. But the month of May had some very dark times with other hearts bleeding over the loss of family, friends and neighbors from tragic violence.

Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding Hearts

Picture of the Day for May 26, 2022

I have made numerous bluebird houses over the years and have enjoyed the sights and sounds of the blue colored birds so it was a disappointment not having any bluebirds around last year other than a brief sighting of a pair at my family’s farm. This year appeared to be the same without the normal spring arrival time of the bluebirds and past the normal first nesting period, so I was surprised to hear a bluebird this evening in my backyard. Although I didn’t see the bird so I don’t know if it was like this less colorful female or a blue male, but hopefully it is a pair that will stay for the summer.

Hopefully a Bluebird Stays

Hopefully a Bluebird Stays