Category: Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day for March 15, 2022

There was a few signs of spring today, even with the new snow yesterday, as I heard some sandhill cranes flying overhead as well as spotting some racoons out of hibernation playing in the water puddles. Plus my troublesome chipmunks have emerged from their winter tunnels as one went racing across the snow before racing up a tree.

Returning Chipmunk

Returning Chipmunk

Picture of the Day for March 10, 2022

Yesterday there was six tom turkeys that would not get off the road, but it was the pheasants darting across the road in front of my car several times today. Maybe they were hanging around the blacktop road where it was warmer than the snow covered ground. And like me, they probably are dreaming of green grass instead of the cold frozen winter landscape.

Pheasant In Summer

Pheasant In Summer

Picture of the Day for March 8, 2022

There was a loud noise when a chunk of ice and snow fell off the house roof today. I rather have the loud roar of a non-frozen waterfall instead, especially with more upcoming days below freezing temperatures. The High Falls of the Baptism River has a drop of 60 feet but has a bigger volume of water in the spring and summer compared to this late fall image.

High Falls of the Baptism River

High Falls of the Baptism River


Picture of the Day for March 7, 2022

Although the temperature stayed below freezing, the sun was strong enough to cause some melting and some of the icicles grew in length before breaking off. The two foot icicles I saw today are tiny compared to the huge icicles by the ice caves on Lake Superior. If you look closely, you can spot a person dressed in black under the ice formations near the center of the photo so the icicles are a tad longer than two feet.

Large Icicles

Large Icicles