The Easter Bunny might not be able to hide its eggs in the snow, but even though Easter is later this year, he still won’t be able to snack on clovers after his work is done since the snow just melted.
Easter Bunny
The sunshine and temperatures reaching into the seventies finally made it feel like spring. And even though I still have a small pile of snow refusing to melt, I had a mosquito trying to land on my arm today so that makes it officially spring. Plus a walk through the wood revealed two little Hepaticas just opening up so the first wildflowers confirmed spring too.
Finally Spring
The birds were singing in today’s sunshine as few butterflies floated by and this evening the pond is full of song from the spring peepers giving hope that maybe spring is finally here. And the road ditches looked a little furry too with the pussy willows blooming and their resemblance to tiny cat paws is a reminder to the new batches of kittens born this spring too.
Furry Pussy Willows
The 15th day of April have ties to great losses like the sinking of the Titanic, President Lincoln dying, loss of money for people paying in taxes and now the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral. And while the day was the end for somethings, it was also the start for others as there was the first new calf of the season at the farm today.
New Life
The freezing temperatures overnight caused an ice layer to almost cover all of my pond. There was a small patch of open water in which I spotted a pair of Wood Ducks and Hooded Mergansers floating close together. They probably needed the bigger body mallards to break up the ice, but at least by noon, they had this bigger patch of water. At least the ice wasn’t as thick or damaging as the iceberg that the Titanic hit 107 years ago on April 14 and sank less than 3 hours later.
Freezing Over Again