I don’t know where spring went since I had to walk through ten inches of snow to get to the bird feeder today. And the blowing snow, sleet, freezing rain, thunder and roaring winds did not look or feel like spring at all.
Where Did Spring Go?
The pair of wood ducks were checking out a duck house this morning, before the snow came so I wonder if they will head south now. And the spring birds are not the only birds having trouble finding food this evening as even the winter birds had problems locating seeds in the snow covered feeder.
Snow Covered Feeder
It was nice to be able to eat some meals out on my porch during the warmer weather the last few days and the critters seem to enjoy the sunny days too. But it won’t be warm enough for that the rest of the week. Plus the critters and birds might have trouble finding any seeds on the ground if there is new snow layer.
Chow Time
It is a good thing the south winds haven’t blown in any of the returning ducks yet since my pond still has a layer of ice covering it. So far the Blue-winged Teal have only visit my pond for a few weeks each spring but haven’t stayed to nest so apparently my area isn’t appealing to the females, who decide where to nest by flying over possible areas and she may take several days to decide.
Too Early for Ducks
After a one day break, Mother Nature decided to throw down some of those white flakes again today. While cleaning bluebird houses this morning, I found some white color nest materials which some rodents used over winter. I also spotted the white belly of a mouse that had to leave quickly when I opened the bird house.
White Belly