The extra five seconds of daylight today wasn’t noticeable in the cloudy day as the winter shorter days continue for a while.
Winter White
The start of winter means the shortest amount of daylight in the year, but the sunrise will still get later until the start of the year before it begins to rise earlier again. The sunset time increases faster than sunrise to gain more daylight but tomorrow only 5 seconds are gained here.
Shortest Daylight
Although cloudy, it did reach forty degrees briefly today and so there was some water running from the melting snow. More patches of ground appeared so a white Christmas could be in jeopardy. But with all the melting, it still hasn’t melted all the snow off my roof so I had a mini waterfall by the door but it wasn’t a pretty as the upper part of Two Step Falls on the Baptism River.
Stepping Down on Two Step Falls
The early morning sunshine and warmer temperatures did melt some of the snow before it clouded up today, but the bare patches of ground won’t reveal any springtime flowers yet. Like many wildflowers, this flower has many common names including yellow adder’s tongue, in reference to the tongue-like shape of the flowering shoot which is suppose to resemble the open mouth of a snake. Another common name is yellow trout lily because the green leaves mottled with brown look like the coloring of a brook trout.
Yellow Adder’s Tongue
I think the chickadees were happy with the sunshine, which melted the snow off the tree branches, but there still was a steady stream of birds coming to the feeders even though the temperature where slightly above freezing. If they eat this much on a warmer day, I might not have enough bird seed to last the cold month of January.
Sunny Chickadee