Picture of the Day for June 5, 2018

As I approached the pond today while mowing, I noticed some baby ducks scooting across the water and I thought the wood ducks had hatched. So I grabbed my camera but by the time I came back, they were gone so I started mowing again. Eventually I saw them heading down the path to the area I hadn’t mowed yet. After a closer look, I discovered it was the mallard and her babies and not the wood ducks yet.

New Batch of Ducks

New Batch of Ducks

Watch the baby mallard ducks follow mom around the pond.


Picture of the Day for May 30, 2018

I normally spot Cedar Waxwings in the trees with berries, which they seem to strip in no time, but occasionally I see them hidden in the leaves. They feed mainly on fruits and because they eat so much fruit, they occasionally die or become intoxicated when they consume overripe fermenting berries. Due to more than 2,500 trips to build a nest, the female may take nesting materials from other birds to save time.

Cedar Waxwings

Cedar Waxwings

Picture of the Day for May 28, 2018

Today might have been filled with picnics, camping and parties to celebrate the long holiday weekend but others visited cemeteries or special events which honored the fallen military personnel who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  The American Legion conducted services at all the cemeteries in my area with prayers, gun salute and the echo taps.

Honoring the Fallen

Honoring the Fallen

Picture of the Day for May 27, 2018

The woods at the farm were filled with the great white trillium which is easily spotted, but this year none of my had blossoms as they have been eaten off by the deer too many years in a row and I only some leaves which emerged but no blossoms. The only variety of trilliums I have blooming this year are the Nodding Trilliums, which hide from the deer as they ‘nod’ or hang underneath the large three leaves. The way they hide also makes it hard to photo since you have to be on the ground looking up at it (or cheat and tip the stem over to see the blossom better).

Hiding Blossoms

Hiding Blossoms