Picture of the Day for May 26, 2018

When I was trying to photograph the rainbow last evening, I scared off three ducks on my pond but I didn’t realize one of the females was still in the nest box until I got too close to her. She flew out of the nesting box and waited on the edge of the pond until I left the area. I wonder if I will spot when the babies leave the nest.

Waiting Female Wood Duck

Waiting Female Wood Duck

Picture of the Day for May 23, 2018

Some birds are less noticeable than others, and may look like another species, until something sets it apart. At first glimpse, the White-throated Sparrow may be mistaken for the common house sparrow but the whistle song of the White-throated Sparrow tells a different story. They also hop when on the ground, instead of walking,  so hard to photograph when they bounce around so much.

White-throated Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

Picture of the Day for May 20, 2018

A deer was claiming my driveway this evening so I wasn’t sure I would be able to walk to the road to take pictures of the sunset. I might have to set up a toll road with all chipmunks, rabbits, pheasants, turkeys, deer and other critters using my driveway. At least it was chilly enough this evening that the mosquitoes were not biting me when I was taking pictures.

Sunny Sunday Sunset

Sunny Sunday Sunset

Picture of the Day for May 18, 2018

This showy black and white bird, with the bright red chevron, sings to attract a females, even though he rebuffs her for several days before he lets her be his mate. But at least he does help build the nest, which takes about a week, and the male Rose-breasted Grosbeak also shares in the incubation, brooding, and feeding duties at the nest.

Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Picture of the Day for May 17, 2018

These small native wildflowers might have to be called Summer Beauty instead of Spring Beauty as they are enjoying summertime temperatures instead of normal cooler weather. The blossoms of the Spring Beauty open up on warm sunny days, like today, but close and nod down during cloudy weather or at night.

Pretty Pink Spring Beauties

Pretty Pink Spring Beauties