Picture of the Day for December 7, 2017

In muddy conditions critter tracks can be spotted easier than on hard ground, but tracks really stand out in a fresh coating of snow. Just in the short distance I walked to the bird feeders and to feed the cats, I saw numerous bird tracks, as well as mouse, squirrels, rabbit and even evidence that a stray cat visited too. And of course I left my tracks too in the snow.

Tracks in the Snow

Tracks in the Snow


Picture of the Day for December 4, 2017

This poor pine tree looks a little beaten down and hanging his head on this gray day, even though it was way above the 29 normal average temperature. It reached 57 for a short time this afternoon, which is the normal high here for October 15. But the tree probably knows the change is coming with temperatures dropping tomorrow to 12 plus strong winds to make a big change in the weather.

Hanging Low

Hanging Low

Picture of the Day for November 29, 2017

The cool, wet fall did not help the crops to dry down and during this corn harvest season, there are long lines at the corn drying facilities and even causing some propane shortages. Some farmers who can feed ground cob corn to livestock may pick the ears and crib it to allow the moisture content to lower for storage.

Harvest Time – Corn Picking

Harvest Time - Corn Picking
Watch the corn being harvested and stored in a corn crib.
