The sky had a small hint of color as the sun set on this last Sunday in July, ending a nice dry weekend for outdoor activities.
July Sunday Sunset
At first glance, this moth is often mistaken as a hummingbird as it hovers above the flowers gathering nectar. The hummingbird clearwing is a moth of the Sphingidae (hawkmoth) family which have a wingspan around two inches, if you can glimpse the moving clear wings as it darts from flower to flower, like this milkweed blossom.
Hummingbird Clearwing Feeding
The extreme high dew points did drop this evening, which is good for the brave souls climbing to the top of St. Anne’s Hill in Plain, Wisconsin on this feast day of St. Anne. The St. Anne’s Chapel sits on a hill, which pilgrims can reach as they follow the half mile path along the fourteen stations of the Way of the Cross as it climbs about two hundred feet in elevation. Looking down the hill from the 9th Station, the 8th station, St. Luke’s Church and School can been seen in the background before making the steepest part of the climb.
Climbing St. Anne’s Hill
On the rolling hills of southwestern Wisconsin, the cattle are enjoying a nice summer day. Tomorrow sounds like a wet and humid day, which some of the humidity could be coming from “corn sweat”. The transpiration from corn puts a lot of moisture back into the air, as an acre of corn can give off 3,000 to 4,000 gallons of water each day, according to the U.S. Geological Survey Office.
Cattle Grazing on Rolling Hills
While vegetables and flowers may be shown at the fair, this native orchid would not be on display and it is very difficult to grow in a garden. And after blooming two years in a row, I have not spotted the Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid this year yet, so I might have to wait another 35 years before spotting another one again.
Missing Orchid