The sandhill cranes haven’t headed south yet and I saw a couple of them dancing, much like their spring courting ritual, so apparently they have the seasons wrong since it is autumn and not spring.
In parts of my lawn, I mowed more fallen leaves than grass today but they were mostly ash leaves which were brown with just a hint of yellow. It is the maple leaves provide a lot of the orange and red autumn colors.
This lamb didn’t need a wool coat today with the temperature reaching 88, but it might want a thicker coat by the end of the week with the possible patchy frost.
The honey bees have to sneak out and visit the blossoms into between the rain showers lately and hopefully they will have enough honey stored before winter arrives.
With the rain that some areas have received this week has helped the water level on the rivers which allows more flow over the area waterfalls as the autumn colors begin to show.
With the birds migrating south, you might see a flock that you normally don’t see in the summer as they make a brief pitstop on their journey. The tiny horn like feathers on the adult males that sometimes stick up on their heads is what gives them the name of a Horned Lark.