Two of my cats have turned two today, but they sure look different than when they were two months. And the cream colored one called Trouble is definitely in that terrible two stage of mischief!
Mom and Playful Kittens
On a warm sunny day with high humidity, the dew points could climb a little higher because of ‘corn sweat’. Corn fields don’t really sweat, but they do transpire moisture known as evapotranspiration, the natural process of water evaporating from plants to the air. An acre of corn can give off 3,000 to 4,000 gallons of water each day, according to the U.S. Geological Survey Office so it may extra humid out today.
Corn Sweating
A mother turkey has been bringing her four babies out on my lawn looking for bugs to eat (including ticks which I am glad as they can eat 200 ticks in a day). If they were seed eaters, they would have had a lot of sunflower seeds this morning as some critter smashed my bird feeder pole last night and the feeder was on the ground. A group of turkeys is called a rafter although I don’t know if that holds true if only one adult and the rest are babies (which are called poults).
A Hen and Poults
A sign of summer is daylilies blooming in a range of colors. And as the name implies, the bloom typically last no more than 24 hours, with the flower opening in the early morning and wither during the following night. But there are many flower buds on each daylily flower stalk, and many stalks in each clump of plants, so, the flowering period of a clump is usually several weeks long. So while a single blossom may be fleeting, the colorful display continues onward through the summer.
One Day of Glory
This might not be “Charlotte” writing in the web for Wilbur, but there is a pig nearby and there is some extra markings in the web as the Zipper or Writing spider makes a zigzag pattern in the web. Argiope aurantia is commonly known as the black and yellow garden spider, zipper spider, corn spider, and writing spider. The females are much larger than the males and this female is wrapping up a snack so she had plenty to eat as she makes her egg sac which can contains between 400 and 1400 eggs.
Zipper Spider