The extra moisture in the air lately has created some colorful sunsets when the sun rays bounce off the clouds.
August Sunset
Modes of transportation has changed over the centuries, although horse drawn wagons have had a long history of use as horses were domesticated around 4000 BC and the wheel invented in 3500 BC. This wagon hasn’t been that long but it has seen a fair number of years and probably hauled a variety of loads.
Old Wagon
The dragonflies have been flying around my house in large numbers this summer but the butterflies seem to be less frequent visitors or are very skittish (probably since the cats like to sneak up on them) so they don’t hold still for a picture. The Red-spotted Purple is a common butterfly in Wisconsin during the summer months.
Red-spotted Purple
While some summer flowers seem to last a long time, like Black-eyed Susans, others make a brief appearance and then vanish, sometimes for years. My one lone Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid plant is about done blooming for the season, with just a few blossoms left on the top of the plant to dance in the wind.
The Last Dance