While I was exploring a state park for wildflowers, some wild blueberries were discovered which critters, like bears, haven’t found and eaten yet.
Wild Blueberries
The summer dry conditions have reduced the water flow of the Amnicon River and visitors to the park can cross the river without the need of the bridge. Rains this week, and especially today, have filled my pond causing it to overflow and instead of people playing in the flowing water, a doe with her fawns were splashing around in my overflow running water.
Low Amnicon River
At my local fair, the livestock judging for beef is on Friday, like this Hereford class. According to history, Benjamin Tomkins was an early founder of the breed with a bull and two cows called Pidgeon and Mottle in 1742 around the area of Herefordshire, England. Herefords were imported to the United States about 1817 by the politician Henry Clay.
Hereford Judging